Saturday, May 9, 2015

Today in History...

Well, this weekend in history-May 9-10 

1497-Amerigo Vespucci (Italian Navigator) leaves for first voyage to the New World  (5/10)
1502-Columbus sailed his final trip to the New World  (5/10)
1503-Columbus discovers the Cayman Islands (5/10)
1752-Ben Franklin 1st tests the lightning rod  (5/10) BF and Lightning Rods
1775-2nd Continental Congress meets (5/10):
                 names George Washington supreme commander
                 issues paper currency for 1st time
1797- 1st Navy ship, the "United States" is launched (5/10)
1869-The Golden Spike completed the Transcontinental Railroad
1872-Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for president of the U.S.
1879-Meteor falls near Estherville, Iowa
1899-the lawn mower was patented
1908-1st Mother's Day OBSERVED (5/10)
1910-Halley's Comet passes closest to earth (5/10)
1914-President Woodrow Wilson proclaims Mother's Day!
1915-Zeppelin drops hundreds of bombs on Southend-on-Sea (5/10)
1926- Richard Byrd and Floyd Bennett make first flight over North Pole
1933-Nazi's stage public book burnings (5/10)
1960-JFK wins primary election in West Virginia
         USS Nautilus completes 1st circumnavigation of the globe underwater-What does USS mean?
         Apollo 10 transmits 1st color pictures of Earth
         U.S. Performs atmospheric nuclear test at Christmas Island
         Laser beam successfully bounces off moon for 1st time
1963 U.S. Performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1965 Luna 5 launched (U.S.S.R) 1st attempt to soft land on Moon (fails)
1966 China performs nuclear test at Lop Nor PRC

WOW! Do you notice how many things we can read and learn? What interests you?